

I'm really enjoying macOS Sonoma so far. The updated interface of the lock screen and the smooth login transition enhances the overall usability and adds a touch of elegance to the operating system. For me, interaction design like this makes the human-computer interaction feel delightful.

Those seemingly small yet impactful micro-interactions, often go unnoticed but contribute significantly to the user experience. Family and Apple is an example of companies that implements this well.

However, routine actions that are low in novelty should refrain from unnecessary animations. For instance, the right-click panel on macOS employs a subtle animation when closing, but opens instantly. On the other hand, actions that are less frequent, such as the login process, benefit from the addition of smooth motion—creating an organic experience.


  1. macOS Sonoma
  2. Motion & Playfulness
  3. Family - Unveiling Previews